The Trolltunga Hike, Norway

The Trolltunga Hike, Norway

Get ready for a photo bomb with photos from the hike to the Trolltunga cliff. I did the Trolltunga hike with a friend in the middle of July 2019. It was the last day of our road trip together in Norway. We both thought the 

Kayaking in Gryts archipelago

Kayaking in Gryts archipelago

An activity I recently started to like is kayaking. Before this summer I had only a handful of times been kayaking in Stockholm and Linköping. Two years ago me and a friend tried canoeing, but this year is was time for kayaks. We headed to 

The High Coast – Skuleskogen national park

The High Coast – Skuleskogen national park

Right now (summer of 2018) there are 30 national parks in Sweden with Skuleskogen in The High Coast being one of them. The national parks in Sweden are created to save and preserve the special nature of the Swedish landscape. They are always open and free to 

Canoeing in Ronneby river

Canoeing in Ronneby river

It’s finally summer again! So today I will post about a summer trip me and a friend did two years ago in Sweden. We spent a couple of days canoeing in Ronneby river, a small and calm river that flows in Småland and Blekinge in 

Hiking Getryggen

Hiking Getryggen

The day after we got back from hiking Jämtlandstriangeln we were going home. The bus didn’t leave until 3 pm though so we had some time for a day hike. So after breakfast, we asked in the reception what they recommended us to do and we 

Hiking Jämtlandstriangeln, day 3

Hiking Jämtlandstriangeln, day 3

The first day of the hike from Storulvån to Sylarna can be found here. The second day from Sylarna to Blåhammaren here. Day 3, Blåhammaren to Storulvån The night was quite cold, even though my sleeping bag was good I am a ”cold person” and 

Hiking Jämtlandstriangeln, day 2

Hiking Jämtlandstriangeln, day 2

You can find the first day of the hike here. Continue reading for the hike to Blåhammaren. Day 2, Sylarna to Blåhammaren After a good night’s sleep and breakfast in the kitchen cabin we were ready to hike the longest of the trails, 19 km 

Hiking Jämtlandstriangeln, day 1

Hiking Jämtlandstriangeln, day 1

Jämtlandstriangeln is in the north of Sweden in the province called Jämtland, right next to Norway. It is a very popular place to hike for both beginners and more advanced hikers. It starts and ends at Storulvån and has stops at Sylarna and Blåhammaren. Of